培训首页 少儿英语培训学校 青岛汉普森外语培训培训中心 老师
  • RichardBeattieCostel

    教学课程: 成人英语企业英语雅思托福

    纯正地道的浪漫文学派美国老师,毕业于美国马里兰州立大学获文学学士学位。拥有TESOL国际教师资格证书、外国证。且6年多丰富教学经验,特别是越秀汉普森2009年成立伊始一直与我们风雨同舟,老师帮助过各种类型学员成功达成学习目标,擅长包括口语、听力、出国英语、商务英语、国际考试、英美文学诗歌,学术阅读和写作等。Richard老师拥有着典型美国人的豁达和随性,他的课堂永远是激情澎湃的,带有深厚文学素养的教学能够充分激发学员想象力和创造力,课后对每一位学员朋友般的亲切。 教学风格热情幽默,带有文学色彩选材,激发式的引导,课堂一贯活跃热情。

  • Michael

    教学课程: 成人英语雅思托福


  • PeterAlanHill

    教学课程: 少儿英语青少年英语成人英语企业英语雅思托福


  • King

    教学课程: 少儿英语成人英语三一英语

    My name is King; I grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland, located just north of Washington DC in Montgomery County. I graduated from Wesley Teacher Training College and Maryland State University where I attained Teachers Certificate A and Bachelor of Education respectively. I have eight years of teaching experience and have taught in universities, high schools, primary schools and training schools as well. In short, I am a pragmatic, vibrant and dynamic teacher who fosters good relationship between staff and people around me and also concerned with students cognitive and social domains. To me, teaching is interesting and challenging as well, a challenge I enjoy beating.

  • Zachary

    教学课程: 认真负责细心耐心可以帮助各种阶段的学员提升英语水平


  • Stacy

    教学课程: 少儿英语成人英语三一英语

    My name is Stacy. I grew up in the beautiful town of Nottingham in the East Midlands of England. I\'m friendly, positive, and energetic. I have already taught English for 3 years. I really enjoy my profession, it is my calling, and there is no feeling comparable to seeing progression in the knowledge of my students. I firmly hold the belief that every student is unique, therefore the teaching methods I use are unique and tailored to fit each of my different students. I understand what you need. I aim at all times to help my students to speak, write and express themselves in English as well as DaShan translates in Chinese! Dear teacher, with your professional knowledge and patient attitude , all your students have made great progress in their study. Thank you!


