培训首页  >  朝鲜劳动党向中国十九大致贺电


[2017-10-21 09:12:51] 浏览量:101 来源:



North Korea issued a congratulatory message to China’s Communist Party Wednesday as President Xi Jinping opened its five-year congress.

China is North Korea’s longtime ally and economic benefactor, saving the country from defeat during the 1950-53 Korean War.

In a three-paragraph message carried by the official KCNA news agency, the North’s ruling Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) "warmly congratulated the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China and sent warm greetings to all the party members and other Chinese people".

"The Chinese people have made great progress in accomplishing the cause of building socialism... and we are greatly pleased over this," it added.

It referred to "the fraternal Chinese people" and said the Workers Party would "protect the traditional DPRK-China friendship provided and cultivated by the elder generation of the two parties and countries and invariably develop it generation after generation".

China’s foreign ministry expressed thanks for the congratulatory messages.



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