培训首页  >  托福口语考试中警惕语法陷阱(二)


[2017-10-20 14:09:32] 浏览量:64 来源:



人称一致问题是同学在答托福Task5的时候惯犯的一个错误。Task5是学生困难和解决题,一男一女进行对话。对话中一个同学叙述自己遇到的问题,另外一个同学提出解决方案,题目要求是复述学生的困难和解决方案等。学生答题时一会儿用she,一会儿用he, 无法自拔。我们来看看下面这个同学是怎么答题的:

In the conversation, the man has a problem that he forgot his paper home, but today is the due date. He has two options. First, she can drive back to get his paper. If he hurries, she can come back before the class is over. Second, he can e-mail the paper to her professor later, but .................

这篇对话描述的是一个男生同学遇到的问题以及他可能选择的解决方案有哪些。可是这位答题的同学开头用的是he, 后面就不断的蹦出了she.


正确答 案:

In the conversation, the man has a problem that he forgot his paper home, but today is the due date. He has two options. First, he can drive back to get his paper. If he hurries, he can come back before the class is over. Second, he can e-mail the paper to his professor later, but .................



Pronghorn live in North America. They run super fast. Why do they run fast? Long time ago, lion lived in North America, chase and prey pronghorns. Lion are faster than other predators today. Now, lion are extinct. They are no longer predator for pronghorn. But back then, pronghorns’ speed was critical to their survival.

答 案中所加下划线的部分都是可数名词,后面都要加“s”.

正确答 案:

Pronghorns live in North America. They run super fast. Why do they run fast? Long time ago, lions lived in North America, chase and prey pronghorns. Lions are faster than other predators today. Now, lions are extinct. They are no longer predators for pronghorn. But back then, pronghorns’ speed was critical to their survival.


  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班

