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[2015-08-03 10:46:59] 浏览量:430 来源:


1.1 政治类词汇汉译英

表决议案 to vote on the bills

不记名投票 secret ballot

部长级会议 ministerial meeting

裁减冗员 to cut down on overstaffing; to lay off the redundants

差额选举 competitive election; multicandidate election

常规裁军 conventional disarmament

法制观念awareness of law

反腐倡廉against corruption and for a clean government

反分裂法the Anti-Secession Law

扶贫基金relief subsidies

海峡交流基金会 Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF)

和平共处五项原则 the five principles of peaceful coexistence

换届选举election at expiration of office terms

基层组织primary-level organizations

解放思想to emancipate the mind

居民委员会neighborhood committee

廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties

ECFA ( Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement) 《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》

民族区域自治regional autonomy of ethnic minorities

南水北调工程south-to-north water diversion project

群众路线mass line

扫黄打黑to crack down on gangland and pornography

生计问题bread and butter issue

实事求是seeking truth from the facts

西部大开发the strategy of developing the western region

西电东送transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region

西气东输transmit natural gas from the west to the east of China

乡镇企业township enterprises

新型农村合作医疗制度(新农合)new type of rural cooperative medical care system

行政问责制administrative accountability

养老保险pension insurance system

医保制度改革reform of medical insurance system

以德治国to rule the country by virtue

依法治国to rule the country by law

医疗改革 health care reform

灾后重建 post-disaster construction

赈灾disaster relief

《中美三个联合公报》the three Sino-Us joint communiqués

低生活补助minimum living/subsistence allowance

1.2 政治类词汇汉译英

Anarchism 无政府主义

ACLU—American Civil Liberties Union美国公民联合会

Bill of Rights 人权法案

brain trust 政府的智囊团


civil rights movement 民权运动

Diet of Japan 日本国会

Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

Dictator 独裁者

Dictatorship 独裁政治

ethnic cleansing 种族清理;种族灭绝

ethnocentrism 民族优越感

governing party 执政党

grand jury大陪审团

hard money价格比较稳定的钱; 硬通货


IRS—Internal Revenue Service国内收入署

mainstream media 主流媒体



NOW—National Organization for Women(美国)全国妇女组织

Opposition Party 反对党;在野党

PETA—People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals善待动物组织

PLO—Palestine Liberation Organization巴勒斯坦解放组织(简称“巴解”)

prisoner swap 交换俘虏

POW—prison of war 战俘

pork barrel politics 猪肉桶政治

primary election初选;预选

soft money软资金,非法政治资金

suicide bomber自杀炸弹

think tank智囊团



vote of non-confidence 不信任投票

WMD—weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性

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