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发表时间:2018-04-03 10人浏览

17.3 名词性wh-从句

1)由wh-词引导的名词从句叫做名词性wh-从句。Wh-词包括who, whom,. whose, whoever, what, whatever, which, whichever等连接代词和where, when, how, why等连接副词。Wh-从句的语法功能除了和that-从句一样外,还可充当介词宾语、宾语补语和间接宾语等,例如:

主语: How the book will sell depends on its author. 书销售如何取决于作者本人。

直接宾语:In one's own home one can do what one likes. 在自己家里可以随心所欲。

间接宾语:The club will give whoever wins a prize. 

表语: My question is who will take over president of the Foundation. 我的问题是谁将接任该基金会职位。

宾语补足语:She will name him whatever she wants to. 她高兴给他起什么名字就取什么名字。

同位语:  I have no idea when he will return. 

形容词宾语:I'm not sure why she refused their invitation.  我尚不能肯定她为什么拒绝他们的邀请。

介词宾语: That depends on where we shall go. 

 It is not yet decided who will do that job. 
 It remains unknown when they are going to get married.  他们何时结婚依然不明。

17.4 if, whether引导的名词从句


  从属连词if, whether引导的名词从句是由一般疑问句或选择疑问转化而来的,因此也分别被称为yes-no型疑问句从句和选择型疑问从句,其功能和wh-从句的功能相同, 例如:
 主语:Whether the plan is feasible remains to be proved. 这一计划是否可行还有等证实。

 宾语:Let us know whether / if you can finish the article before Friday. 请让我们知道你是否能在星期五以前把文章写完。

 表语:The point is whether we should lend him the money. 问题在于我们是否应该借钱给他。

 同位语:They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy. 他们调查他是否值得信赖。

 形容词宾语: She's doubtful whether we shall be able to come.  她怀疑我们是否能够前来。

 介词宾语: I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness.  我担心他是否能度过疾病的危险期。

  选择性疑问从句由关联词if/whether…or或whethe…or not构成,例如:
  Please tell me whether / i f they are Swedish or Danish. 请告诉我他们是瑞典人还是丹麦人。
  I don't care whether you like the plan or not.我不在乎你是否喜欢该计划。

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