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[2015-12-22 18:35:07] 浏览量:243 来源:



S1 询问附近library信息S2 野营公园S3 两个音乐专业学生对乐器和演奏曲目的看法S4 Engineer的道德伦理  




12月19号为今年最后一场考试,明年前几场考试依旧可以按照今年的趋势来进行备考,扎实的基本功永远都是复习的核心。1.场景方面,重点依然可以放在S1的咨询、工作租房;S2的各类旅行活动; S3的选课讨论,作业讨论,学术研究;S4的各类讲座上,尤其是商业经济、动植物和人文历史,请加强听力高频场景词汇的复习,务必保证拼写准确,大小写、单复数准确。2.S2,S3部分加强配对题的练习,尤其是S3中选择与搭配的题型设置。加强练习审题时间的合理安排以及对同义替换的理解,可多参考剑桥系列同类型题。3.明年一开始为新题月,听力部分建议少看机经,加强基本功的训练。例如单词的拼写,对应题型的练习等,同义替换的理解与记忆。如需参考机经,请参阅11-14年的旧题。  



A person you know who speaks another language very well

A person who dresses well/who is fashionable

A person who likes to travel by plane

A person in the news you’d like to meet

A family member you spent most time with

A child who made you laugh/a time when a child made you laugh

A person whose job is important to the society

A person who can do well in work


A historical building

A house or apartment you’d like to live in it

A place you can relax

A restaurant or a café you like

A street you know well

A foreign country you want to visit but you haven’t been to

A place you can read and write

A park or garden you visited


A situation you had disagreement with your friend

A paid job you ever did

A happy family event from your childhood

A time you got up extremely early

An important festival in your country

An educational trip

A recent happy event

Something you do to stay healthy

A change that will improve your local area

A successful thing in your life

A long car journey you had

A long walk

A group activity

A time when you feel surprised to meet someone

A life stage you enjoyed the most

Something want to learn in the future

A time you watched the sky

A time you decided to wait for something

Something important you forgot to do

An occasion where someone made noise

What you would do you if you had a day off(from study or work)


A painting or a work of art in your school

A small successful company

A gift that took you long time to choose

An electronic device you want to buy

Something borrowed from others

New skills

A picture or photograph in your family/A picture or photo you like most


A law about environment in your country

A particular song that has influence on you

A movie you have watched in a cinema or at home

An educational TV program

An article about health you read recently


1) Part 1:今年最后一场考试,话题依然稳定,波澜不惊,高频的仍是关于work/study的内容,同时hometown, reading, sleeping, films, trees等题与平时生活息息相关,烤鸭们在熟悉话题时注意细节的词汇及表达方式积累。

2) Part 2:上框粗体为高频话题,备考练习时务必串联同类话题,灵活整理,做到自然地说出内容,同时注意时态,连接词等细节。


To make an end is to make a beginning. 2016年的雅思口语话题定会越发丰富,考官们也许会越发严格,但烤鸭们仍应正确有效地积极备考, Part1留心于与自己学习工作生活紧密相关的热点话题,Part2注意话题总结归纳,合并关联话题;Part3 从多细节和广思路两种要求入手准备。Know thine enemy, know thyself, and you will win.只有掌握的学习方法,了解考情,才能行之有效地应对雅思考试。最后提前祝大家Merry Christmas and happy new year!


P1 古代生物

P2 Emotion

P3 Children’s literature


1. 本次考试难度中等偏上。

2. 整体分析: 1篇为旧题。涉及考古(P1)、人类行为(P2)、文学类(P3).

3. 主流题型:判断和配对比重很大;判断题出现在两篇文章中;几种形式的配对也出现在两篇文章中。

P1 古代生物

1. researchers creatueres

2. 陆地生物F 应该是海洋生物

3. 爪子抓取食物food




P2 Emotion



1. 人得出结论是beyond the expectation

2. Life span

3. Pressure positive

4. Pressure positive personal society




P3 Children’s literature


A Stories and poems aimed at children have an exceedingly long history: lullabies, for example, were sung in Romantimes, and a few nursery games and rhymes are almost as ancient. Yet so far as written-down literature is concerned, whilethere were stories in print before 1700 that children often seized on when they had the chance, such as translations of Aesop’sfables, fairy-stories and popular ballads and romances, these were not aimed at young people in particular. Since the only

genuinely child-oriented literature at this time would have been a few instructional works to help with reading and generalknowledge, plus the odd Puritanical tract as an aid to morality, the only course for keen child readers was to read adultliterature. This still occurs today, especially with adult thrillers or romances that include more exciting, graphic detail than isnormally found in the literature for younger readers.

B By the middle of the 18th century there were enough eager child readers, and enough parents glad to cater to thisinterest, for publishers to specialize in children’s books whose first aim was pleasure rather than education or morality. InBritain, a London merchant named Thomas Boreham produced Cajanus, The Swedish Giant in 1742, while the more famousJohn Newbery published A Little Pretty Pocket Book in 1744. Its contents rhymes, stories, children’s games plus a freegift (‘A ball and a pincushion’) in many ways anticipated the similar lucky-dip contents of children’s annuals thiscentury. It is a tribute to Newbery’s flair that he hit upon a winning formula quite so quickly, to be pirated almostimmediately in America.

C Such pleasing levity was not to last. Influenced by Rousseau, whose Emile (1762)decreed that all books forchildren save Robinson Crusoe were a dangerous diversion, contemporary critics saw to it that children’s literature should beinstructive and uplifting. Prominent among such voices was Mrs. Sarah Trimmer, whose magazine The Guardian ofEducation (1802) carried the first regular reviews of children’s books. It was she who condemned fairy-tales for theirviolence and general absurdity; her own stories, Fabulous Histories (1786)described talking animals who were alwaysmodels of sense and decorum.

D So the moral story for children was always threatened from within, given the way children have of drawing outentertainment from the sternest moralist. But the greatest blow to the improving children’s book was to come from anunlikely source indeed: early 19th-century interest in folklore. Both nursery rhymes, selected by James Orchard Halliwell fora folklore society in 1842, and collection of fairy-stories by the scholarly Grimm brothers, swiftly translated into English in

1823, soon rocket to popularity with the young, quickly leading to new editions, each one more child-centered than the last.From now on younger children could expect stories written for their particular interest and with the needs of their ownlimited experience of life kept well to the fore.

E What eventually determined the reading of older children was often not the availability of special children’sliterature as such but access to books that contained characters, such as young people or animals, with whom they couldmore easily empathize, or action, such as exploring or fighting, that made few demands on adult maturity or understanding.

F The final apotheosis of literary childhood as something to be protected from unpleasant reality came with the arrivalin the late 1930s of child-centered best-sellers intend on entertainment at its most escapist. In Britain novelist such as EnidBlyton and Richmal Crompton described children who were always free to have the most unlikely adventures, secure in theknowledge that nothing bad could ever happen to them in the end. The fact that war broke out again during her books

greatest popularity fails to register at all in the self-enclosed world inhabited by Enid Blyton’s young characters. Reactionagainst such dream-worlds was inevitable after World War II, coinciding with the growth of paperback sales, children’slibraries and a new spirit of moral and social concern. Urged on by committed publishers and progressive librarians, writersslowly began to explore new areas of interest while also shifting the settings of their plots from the middle-class world towhich their chiefly adult patrons had always previously belonged.

G Critical emphasis, during this development, has been divided. For some the most important task was to ridchildren’s books of the social prejudice and exclusiveness no longer found acceptable. Others concentrated more on thepositive achievements of contemporary children’s literature. That writers of these works are now often recommended to theattentions of adult as well as child readers echoes the 19th-century belief that children’s literature can be shared by thegenerations, rather than being a defensive barrier between childhood and the necessary growth towards adult understanding.


Questions 14-18

Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 2for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

Questions 19-21

Look at the following people and the list of statements below.

Match each person with the correct statement.

Write the correct letter A-E in boxes 19-21 on your answer sheet.

19 Thomas Boreham

20 Mrs. Sarah trimmer

21 Grimm Brothers

List of statements

A Wrote criticisms of children’s literature

B Used animals to demonstrate the absurdity of fairy tales

C Was not a writer originally

D Translated a book into English

E Didn’t write in the English language

Questions 22-26

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 22-26 on your answer sheet write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

22 Children didn’t start to read books until 1700.

23 Sarah Trimmer believed that children’s books should set good examples.

24 Parents were concerned about the violence in children’s books.

25 An interest in the folklore changed the direction of the development of children’s books.

26 Today children’s book writers believe their works should appeal to both children and adults.




Heading 1


1. 判断题的练习和思路分析很必要,可回顾错题。配对题有增多的趋势。下场考试注意段落细节配对,填空题的解题注意点也要强化,这三种题型都是近来的重点考察项目。

预警小题型:多选 。

2. 下场考试的话题可能有关动物类、教育类、科技类。

3. 重点浏览13年机经。


小作文: bar柱图

The percentage of men and women aged 60 to 64 in employment in four countries in 1970 and 2000.

大作文: Some people think cultural tradition are destroyed when they are used as making-money attraction to aim at tourists, while others think it is the only way to save/protect them.Discuss both.


1. 本次考试难度中等

2. task1:四国男女就业率对比。动态图——除了每个男女比例的变化,注意比较男女差距:哪国就业率的gender gap是the most substantial。


3. task2常见话题。旅游景点会破坏文化传统,还是会保护文化。

双边讨论,但是注意要提到保留传统文化并不是只有旅游所能达到的,即旅游并不是the only way。



1. tourism 和cultural heritage相结合(integrate)能给保护文化提供economic incentives(financial support).

2. Museums, historical sites and ruins 能使游客深(get a deep insight into)当地习俗, 体验local traditions, art and heritages, respect the host community and its environment, 推动不同间natural and cultural resources的交流(exchange).


1. 制造大量pollution and waste.游客丢弃的垃圾(discarded by travelers) 会对景点造成负面影响exert a negative impact on the tourist spots and local cultural ruins.

2. 过多的Excessive建筑(roads, hotels etc.)会破坏destroy/spoil自然栖息地 natural habitats and the landscape.

3. 由于异国文化冲突 the exotic cultural conflicts,传统文化和技能消失,(e.g. Farming, fishing)。当地居民are forced to work in the tourist industry, which would call their attention on economic benefits and lose sight of 文化保护the cultural conservation.


Some people say that travel can destroy traditional culture when they are used to be the attractions to the tourists. Others believe it is the only way for it to be remained in the world. What is your opinion?


1. 小作文:重点关注饼图和表格

2. 大作文:多关注旅游,环境,政府类话题


  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班


