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[2020-01-21 17:30:57] 浏览量:51 来源:



一、租房住宿? accommodation? tudents’ accommodation? dormitory? student dorm? student apartment? studio apartment? student flat? student residence? student house? family house? family-stay? host family? home-stay? shared house? the whole house? part of house? the rest of the house? two bed-roomed house? single-roomed flat? hostel............(还有一大串.....)

二、卧室、家具? furniture? drawer? cabinet? cot? twin room? closet? built-in closet? wardrobe? bookshelf? cupboard? storage wall? blanket? carpet? rug? curtain? cushion? bed linen............(依然还有一大串.....)三、小区设施? rural area? urban? county? country? downtown area? city center? community? residence? industrial area? industrial park? block? scenic area? amenity? surroundings? shopping mall? mart? supermarket? whole sale

三、交通出行? car? car pool? taxi? taxicab? coach? mini bus? medium-sized bus? 45 seats coach? Shuttle bus? commute bus? trolley bus? observing bus? train? commute train? tram? subway tube? underground? metro station? city-rail? light-rail? mag-lev? non-stop train? single-track train

四、专业、学习? architecture? medicine? psychology? economics? politics? history? anthropology? archeology? archaeological? environment study? population study? general English? academic English? literature? philosophy? physics? politics


  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班


