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    发表于:2018-10-12 11:26:40  
相关标签: 雅思培训   北京雅思培训






1What is the result of......

2What is the consequence of......?

3What are the effects of......?




Paragraph 4: Trade between the West and the settled and prosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies. One of the most far-reaching examples is the impact of the fine ninth-century AD. Chinese porcelain wares imported into the Arab world. So admired were these pieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made in imitation of porcelain and instigated research into the method of their manufacture. From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purified form of cobalt oxide unobtainable at that time in China—that contained only a low level of manganese. Cobalt ores found in China have a high manganese content, which produces a more muted blue-gray color. In the seventeenth century, the trading activities of the Dutch East India Company resulted in vast quantities of decorated Chinese porcelain being brought to Europe, which stimulated and influenced the work of a wide variety of wares, notably Delft. The Chinese themselves adapted many specific vessel forms from the West, such as bottles with long spouts, and designed a range of decorative patterns especially for the European market.


7. According to paragraph 4, one consequence of the trade of Chinese ceramics was

the transfer of a distinctive blue pigment from China to the Middle East

an immediate change from earthenware production to porcelain production in European countries

Chinese production of wares made for the European market

a decreased number of porcelain vessels available on the European market

首先找一下提问对象,是中国瓷器贸易发展的其中一个结果是什么,本段段速读到贸易发展然后先从文章找,然后再去对选项,也就是题目文章选项这一过程。文段段句是本段的主旨句,本段主要围绕着贸易对中国带来的各种影响来写的。从第二句开始具体展开了对瓷器贸易的描述,包括和中东以及阿拉伯之间的瓷器贸易交往。这种结果题目我们要把重点放在文章后段也就是读到倒数第二句出现我们的定位点,因为result in是关键定位词,

 Paragraph 4: Trade between the West and the settled and prosperous Chinese dynasties introduced new forms and different technologies. One of the most far-reaching examples is the impact of the fine ninth-century AD. Chinese porcelain wares imported into the Arab world. So admired were these pieces that they encouraged the development of earthenware made in imitation of porcelain and instigated research into the method of their manufacture. From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment—a purified form of cobalt oxide unobtainable at that time in China—that contained only a low level of manganese. Cobalt ores found in China have a high manganese content, which produces a more muted blue-gray color. In the seventeenth century, the trading activities of the Dutch East India Company resulted in vast quantities of decorated Chinese porcelain being brought to Europe, which stimulated and influenced the work of a wide variety of wares, notably Delft. The Chinese themselves adapted many specific vessel forms from the West, such as bottles with long spouts, and designed a range of decorative patterns especially for the European market.

解析:从定位可知,结果有两个:1) vast quantities of decorated Chinese porcelain being brought to Europe, which stimulated and influenced the work of a wide variety of wares, notably Delft 大量具有精美图案的中国瓷器带到欧洲,影响了当地的各种瓷器的发展,尤其是Delft地区;2The Chinese themselves adapted many specific vessel forms from the West, such as bottles with long spouts, and designed a range of decorative patterns especially for the European market. 中国人自己也借鉴了很多西方器皿外形的特点,比如长瓶颈,而且专门为欧洲市场设计了一系列装饰花纹。





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