培训首页  >  中国多地大雪对生活工作造成严重破坏


[2018-01-10 14:14:59] 浏览量:100 来源:



  BEIJING -- Heavy snow has continued to cause havoc in parts of China, disrupting traffic and bringing low temperatures.

  Nineteen expressways in Northeast China’s Liaoning province have been closed or controlled since snow started Sunday night, according to local transport authorities.

  The snow will result in icy roads, the local observatory forecast Monday morning. Following the snow, Liaoning will see temperatures plunge by up to 10 degrees Celsius, the observatory said.

  In Xinyang City, central China’s Henan Province, snow from Wednesday to Friday, the worst since local records began in 1951, killed one person and injured three others.

  Primary and middle schools in the city have suspended classes since Thursday.

  The disaster flattened 26 houses and damaged over 2,000 hectares of crops, causing total economic losses of 219 million yuan ($33.8 million).

  In eastern China’s Anhui Province, quilts and coats have been distributed to residents to withstand the biting cold, following heavy snow since Wednesday, the worst in Anhui since 2008.

  The snow has affected 1.5 million people and damaged over 160,000 hectares of crops, causing total economic losses of 3.5 billion yuan, according to the provincial civil affairs department.

  The National Meteorological Center Monday evening renewed a yellow alert for a cold front across the country.

  From Tuesday to Wednesday, the temperature is expected to drop by 6 to 8 degrees Celsius in northern, northeastern, central and southern China, including parts of Inner Mongolia and Yunnan.

  From Monday to Saturday, most places south of the Yellow River will see temperatures 4 to 6 degrees Celsius lower on average than previous years.

  The lowest temperatures in parts of Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei and Anhui could reach minus 10 to minus 15 degrees Celsius, or lower, breaking historical records.

  China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe, followed by orange, yellow and blue.



  • 零基础
  • 基础单词
  • 英语三/四级
  • 托福/雅思
  • 英语口语提升
  • 英语等级考试
  • 专业英语等级
  • 托福/雅思出国
  • 商务英语
  • 周末班
  • 全日制白班
  • 随到随学

