培训首页  >  哈佛心理学家告诉你 起床后做的事是什么

哈佛心理学家告诉你 起床后做的事是什么

[2017-12-23 09:25:46] 浏览量:65 来源:



Do you hate mornings? A Harvard psychologist has devised a method for making your mornings better. Before your feet even hit the floor, stretch!

  Stretch out as big as you can in your bed. It’s that simple. The theory behind it is called "power posing." You make yourself as big as possible.

  This pose mimics that of a confident person. Which tells your brain that you really are confident. You may be able to make your mind and body believe you are more confident with the pose.

  "When you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful," Amy Cuddy, who is an American social psychologist. Cuddy also says sleeping in the fetal position might have the opposite effect.



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