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邓公恢复高考 570万考生的命运被改变

[2017-12-19 11:18:00] 浏览量:195 来源:




Forty years ago China reinstated its all-important college  entrance exam after a gap of more than a decade. More than five million people  sat the exams in the hope of securing a university place. The BBC’s Yuwen Wu  describes what it was like to be among them.

  On 10 December 1977, I took a bus to No 35 Middle School in the West City  District of Beijing to do something young people in China hadn’t done for more  than 12 years.

  I was taking part in the first college entrance examination since 1965.

  There was subdued yet palpable excitement and expectation in the cold  winter air, because for the first time in years we had our destiny in our own  hands. In my pocket I clutched a bar of chocolate from my father. It was his way  of supporting me - I’d never tasted chocolate before.

  During the Cultural Revolution, normal learning at schools and universities  was interrupted, teachers and intellectuals found themselves publicly humiliated  and beaten; some were driven to suicide. It was not a good time for those who  valued a formal education.

  It turned out that Deng Xiaoping, purged by Mao Zedong during the Cultural  Revolution and rehabilitated as vice premier in 1977, had decided to tackle  education as his priority.

  He called a meeting in August 1977 to discuss the possibility of restoring  college entrance exams. Many were in favour, but others were not sure, the main  obstacle being that Chairman Mao had endorsed selecting college students from  workers, peasants and soldiers’ backgrounds and there was little time to prepare  for the switch.

  But Mr Deng made the historic decision to start the new system that year,  which sent a ripple of excitement up and down the country.

  College examinations were suspended in 1966 when Mao’s Cultural Revolution  swept the country. Students were mobilised to take part in the revolution, so  formal schooling was interrupted.

  From 1968, millions of young people were sent to the countryside to be  re-educated by "peasants".

  From the early 1970s, universities and colleges started to take in students  again, from workers, peasants and soldiers’ backgrounds, and they were mostly  recommended for good political behaviour rather than through open  competition.

  Some 5.7 million people took part in the college entrance examinations in  1977 and 273,000 got places, an admission rate of 4.8% - the lowest in  history.



  • 零基础
  • 基础单词
  • 英语三/四级
  • 托福/雅思
  • 英语口语提升
  • 英语等级考试
  • 专业英语等级
  • 托福/雅思出国
  • 商务英语
  • 周末班
  • 全日制白班
  • 随到随学

