培训首页  >  【雅思口语】——Part1话题技巧


[2015-05-14 17:02:03] 浏览量:660 来源:




即:问什么答什么+ 有条理地解释和扩展


1. When do you usually get up (go to bed)?
I get up early at 7 o’clock on workdays, but on weekends I don’t get up until 9 o’clock.
试比较: I get up at 7 o’clock./ I don’t get up early at weekends.

2. Are your weekday and weekend routines different?
Yes, on weekdays I’m busy with writing office reports, arranging activities, but whenever weekends come I just do what I like and have a good time with my family.
试比较: Yes, they are different./ I like my weekend routines better.

3. At what times do you usually eat your meals?
Well, I usually have breakfast around 8 o’clock in the morning. I often go out for lunch at 12:00. As for supper, I enjoy staying at home and having delicious food with my parents.
试比较:I have breakfast at 8 a.m. And I have lunch at 12 and have dinner after work at 6 p.m./ I think I have meals late every day.

4. Do you live alone or with other people?
Actually, I’m staying in a university dorm with other two students.

5. What jobs do the people in your immediate family do?
My husband is working for a computer company. He is a programmer and system analyst.
试比较:My father is a doctor and my aunt is a nurse. 注:immediate family 是直系亲属组成的家庭,要与extended family大家庭做区分

6. Do you often spend time with friends?
Yes, Xiaoye is the one I often stay with. She is one of my best friends I have known since ten years ago.
试比较:Xiaoye is my best friend. I like to play with him.

7. Do you and your friends have similar hobbies and interests?
Yes, I think so. We generally share the same hobbies and interests like swimming and shopping.
试比较:No, I like playing football but sometimes my friends ask me out to playing basketball.


  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班


