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8月雅思口语考试解析——口语Part 2题卡重点讲解(二)

[2017-11-03 18:49:39] 浏览量:112 来源:


8月雅思口语考试解析——口语Part 2题卡重点讲解(二)

8月份是雅思口语考试老题卡使用的最后一个月,9月份雅思口语即将进入换题期,所以准备在8月考试的考生们应该抓紧复习高频题卡,争取在换题期之前与雅思成功分手。博英达教学团队根据之个月对雅思口语考试的全程记录,在8月份伊始,博英达教学主管William亲自带你分析3个出现频率高的雅思口语Part 2题卡(每个题卡都有近千位考生回忆)。为了让所有考生知道如何应对这三张题卡,每一张题卡William老师都会进行详细的语音示范、文本示范和词汇结构讲解。





Part 2高频题卡第二期 高薪工作


Useful Expression:


1. land a job  找到一份工作


2. energetic and dedicated  a. 充满能量并且投入


3. contagious a. 有感染力的


4.  is quite essential to    对于很重要


5.  also counts.   也很重要


6. certified  a.  认证的


7.  is a new fad.   是新的热潮


8. lack guidance  缺乏指导


9. strong expertise  很强的专业度


10. socialize with people  与人们进行社交




Sample Answers:


As for a well-paid job that I want to have in the future, it definitely has to be the job as a jogging coach or a workout specialist. We could land this kind of job (1) in a gym, a school or a professional jogging club. In order to be a jogging coach, several qualities are highly required. First and foremost, a jogging coach has to be energetic and dedicated (2). Since a persons emotion could be quite contagious (3), a coach with strong vitality is quite essential to (4) drive trainees passion to participate in sports. Besides, ones personal running experience also counts (5). Most of successful running coaches are those who retired as professional runners or those who are certified (6) running coaches. They could give the most professional guidance to trainees. Being a jogging coach would also be a well-paid job. Cuz running is a new fad (7) in our country and a lot of people realize the importance of workout. However, they do lack guidance (8) from those who have strong expertise (9) in jogging. Whats more, as a professional running coach, you could also run a jogging club and it would be a profitable business. I believe I would be quite good at it. For one thing, I have a strong passion for running and I have trained for 3 years. And I do like to share it with others. For another thing, I enjoy communicating and socializing with people (10) from different parts of the world. So this is a well-paid job I want to take in the future.


博英达教育创始人,教学主管William Wen

  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班


