培训首页  >  雅思新闻  >  让你再也不对托福口语望而生畏(二)


[2017-10-31 10:15:20] 浏览量:49 来源:


这是语言的外包装,但做好了这一切是不够的。正如每个人在打开美丽的包装盒时所期待的是盒子里面更加诱人的礼物一样,每个考官在悦耳的声音背后更想想吸纳入耳的是有组织,有意义的词句。所以另一重对语言的要求也接踵而至,即说话的 “实效性”:思维逻辑,语言组织和词句质量。

在第 一和第二题的独立口语任务中,大家需要作的是就自己的经历或向法来回答一些问题。题目主要涉及日常生活和一些社会现象,准备时间15秒,答题时间45秒。这类型考试的形式和面试很相似。仅仅15秒的准备时间形如虚设,根本无法让考生绘制一个好的答 案。大家都知道,要想在面试中表现得好,事先必须有所准备,同理,要想在这两个题目上得,预先的素材准备时必不可少的。

我们先来看看关于如下题目的两种答 案:

What is you favorite place for reading?

Answer 1:

I think my favorite place for reading is the library. First because in the library, many students are reading and you will read with them. Second because in the library, you can get many books easily, so you can get to the information quickly. En … so I like to read in the library.

Answer 2:

Unlike many people, my favorite place for reading is the park. I just like the atmosphere. Reading is tiring, and when I feel tired, I can look up from the book and see people jogging on the path and boating on the lake. Then I feel relaxed. Still, when your eyes feel tired, there are many green trees and lawns to give them a good rest. In the park, you can see many old people taking their beloved birds and dogs for a walk. This gives me inspirations. Indeed, I like to read in parks rather than in libraries or classrooms.

在练习托福口语时大家一比较就会觉得,前者了无生趣,机械死板,内容单薄;而后者新颖敌特,语言丰富,内容翔实。我要求学学员在学习完毕之后能答出类似后者质量的答 案,但在15秒的时间内准备出后面的答 案对大多数同学来说是不现实的,而如果提前有所准备,情况就大为不同。


  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班


