  • 学校介绍
-----伊顿雅思国际英语培训中心 伊顿雅思国际英语培训中心是英国伊顿国际英语在中国设立的个专业从事雅思、托福等出国培训、中小学生英语培训及成人英语培训的语言培训机构。自成立以来,通过中外教员孜孜不倦的努力,我们积累了丰富的教学经验,并获得了社会各界人士的赞誉成为珠三角英语培训之翘楚。 我们提供纯英语的语言环境,在浓厚语言文化氛围中轻松地学习英语。伊顿国际英语培训中心秉承“师资为本,质量为先,学员为重”的办学宗旨,坚持“创新、务实、进取”的教学理念,打造顺德本土具影响力英语品牌。伊顿国际英语培训中心拥有一批来自海内外的语言,他们精通各国语言,热爱教育事业,拥有多年教学经验,为广大的英语学员们提供一个学习英语的康庄大道。精选,精挑教材,精配课外活动,伊顿国际英语培训中心推出以小班教学为主的精品课程,如VIP课程、一对六小班课程、纯口语班、寒暑假浸泡班,根据学员与外籍教师一起旅游、用餐,为学员随时地营造一个纯英语环境。这种感知、感悟和交流式的学习培养了学员浓厚的英语学习兴趣。自2009年办学以来,伊顿雅思国际英语培训中心已完成了成百上千个雅思托福学员的培训工作,并均以合格的成绩并国外高校录取。语言融于生活,生活创造语言,伊顿圆您一个开口说英语的梦!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eton International English Center specializes in educating students who want to attend overseas university ,and who are willing to improve their oral English regardless of age. Through the persistent efforts and our commitments to our students as well as parents, we have achieved the leading position in English education and gained a great deal of experience . Eton adopts the best education system for the students learning English as a foreign laugage. Phonics is widely used in Eton ,therefore Engish learners could master the pronuncation in easy way. In addtion, vivid stories , joyful music and movies assist the students to get great impression of the English. Eton’s students could enjoy themselves thoroughly in international culture in inner classrooms and outer classrooms ,even during the lunch and sporting time. Eton believes that the best teachers creat the highest quality of education, which pave the best way for the students to conquer difficulties .With years' experience, the passion to education, the tenderness and great patience, the teachers have accomplished many difficult tasks of thousands of students. To give the best quality of instruction, our classes are kept small and limited to a maximum of 8 participants. Knowlege is vision, English is power and Eton is your gateway to both of them. All the blossoms and leaves are quivering in the warm sunshine.You can be aware of the subtle fragrance in the air . The mystery of English will reveal to you here, wake you soul, give it light, hope, joy, set it free.Come and join us!



