培训首页  >  雅思新闻  >  物品类话题的思路解析。


[2020-03-30 18:23:16] 浏览量:162 来源:




  物品类话题通常分为内容性和功能性两种,比如“a movie”, “a picture”,就是内容性的,看似是物品,真正描述起来说得更多的是该物品所承载的内容或者故事。而“a toy”,“a useful electronic equipment”则是功能性的,那么在回答过程中就应该提到其外形和功能,然后再说相关的故事。


  对于内容性的物品题目,学生们可以考虑用“嫁接法”来解决,可以把有关人物,事件,建筑题套用进来,这样既节省时间,也少了很多繁杂的准备。至于功能性题目,就另当别论了。为了避免内容太过于枯燥,考生可以按照以下这个思路来进行描述:1.外表(颜色,形状) 2. 功能 3. 与之相关的故事。以下用一个实例来说明这个结题思路。

Describe electronic equipment

  Answer: Speaking of electronic equipment, I’m going to talk about a black Casio electronic dictionary. It was a gift from my father on my 16th birthday. I’m still using it until now. It’s about 15 centimeters in length and 10 centimeters wide with a folding design. It’s pretty much the same size as my phone. There is a tiny button on the right side of the dictionary. If it’s pressed slightly, the upper folder will be opened automatically, but the process is relatively slow. After unfolding it, a black and white screen can be seen. (这部分都是在描述外表,以及简单说明了这个物品的来源。为了说的更具体,可以参考这个答案,物品是具体在某一个生日上得到的礼物。 外表为了让考官有直观的感受可以说大小像其他物品。)


  This electronic dictionary has any function it should have. When inputting an English word, it will give the explanation of the word in Chinese as well as the synonym or antonym. It also has the translation functions. However, the translation is not always correct. (这部分说的都是功能相关的内容,要越详细越好,或者可以说一下使用的步骤等。关于功能可以描述好的地方也可以说一下不足之处,让答案更加丰富。)


  At the time when it was bought, electronic dictionaries were really popular but also far more expensive than today. Later I was told that the gift cost my father more than two thousand yuan which was equal to his half month salary. To me, it’s not only a gift, but also a symbol of my father’s love. (这部分是在讲述物品背后的故事。如果想不太出来细节的故事,一般可以借鉴这个说法,可以讲述送礼物的人为了这个物品付出了哪些努力,而自己的感受又如何。)



  • 高中以下
  • 中专
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 岗位需求
  • 升职加薪
  • 考证
  • 白天班
  • 晚上班
  • 周末班



